| New Industries
Since Csaboka coded and finished the newindustries feature for TTDPatch, it has been an ambition of mine to get the new industries I made for OpenTTD into the newgrf spec, so, in future, it can work with both. However, newindustry coders are rare, and newcargos coders even rarer, so my industries would need a complete rebuild graphics-wise for showcase. Below, I have collected all my new industries sprites that need coding, along with cargo proposals.
I have planned three chains. The first is textiles. I have chosen this because during the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, Textile Mills helped shape small towns into sprawling metropolises. I shall use a Cotton Farm > Textile Mill > Weaving Mill chain, with the Weaving Mill producing goods for towns. Below are the three industries I have drawn. The cotton mill will produce Cotton, which is transported to the Textile mill for conversion into textiles. The Textiles are then transported to a Weaving mill, where they are converted into goods (clothing), to be transported to towns.

The three "Cotton Chain" industries
My next chain is a Woodchips/MDF chain. I have chosen this, as I live not too far from a large chipboard factory, and every day trainfulls of Unsawn logs go in, and lorryfulls of chipboard come out. The basic idea is that my new "Logging Mill", similar to the forrest, but more industrial will supply logs (as well) to the MDF factory. The logging mill will use a Chris Sawyers Locomotion way via the forrest, in that the trees act like a farm, and grow and are replanted around the Mill as they are cut down in sections. I have not yet drawn the MDF factory, but due to the water/steam heavy usage, it will feature many pipes and steam emitted, with chimneys, and a warehouse for manufacturing.

The unfinished Logging Mill graphics. It will look a lot more cluttrered surrounded with trees
I am undecided if my last chain will be included or not. It basically starts with a "Recycling Centre" only built in towns, and produces "recyclables", similar to a bank. These will be delivered to a "Recycling Plant", where they are turned into processed recyclables, which are then transported to a factory. I have no graphics yet done for this chain, and am unsure if it will be included in my ambitions.
Thank you for reading
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